Angelë Sepe

Pasûndâ Sepe

abstract \æb.ˈstɹækt\ wala \əb.ˈstɹækt\

  1. yêngê
    • The artist is famous for his abstract paintings.
    • I have a good grasp of abstract concepts.

Pandôo Sepe

abstract \æb.ˈstɹækt\ wala \əb.ˈstɹækt\

  1. kpendä
    • Please show me just the abstract of the article.

Palî Sepe

abstract \æb.ˈstɹækt\ wala \əb.ˈstɹækt\

  1. zî na mabôko, nzï
  2. hânda
  3. kpenda, tuta
    • It is very hard to abstract an entire book in a single sentence.
  4. sû mângbi