Angelë Sepe

Pandôo Sepe

King Henri III of France, with a white collar.

collar \ˈkɑl.ɚ\ wala \ˈkɒl.ə(ɹ)\

  1. gô tî bongö
    • Make sure your dog has a collar holding an identification tag.
    • One type of horse harness is a collar and hames.

Âlïndïpa Sepe

  • Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï

Espanyöl Sepe

Pandôo Sepe

collar \sêndagô ?\

  1. gö tî bongö