Sepe- dedë
- He reacted to it in a very cool manner.
- Il y a réagi d’une manière très calme.
- The budget has received a cool reception from business groups, with most lamenting the lack of assistance for firms and tax changes that will hit large multinational companies. — (Michael Janda, “Budget receives cool response from business” na ABC News (Australia) , 14 Mbängü 2013 → dîko mbëtï)
- It’s a cool day.
- It was such a cool day, man.
- Those sunglasses are the coolest on earth.
- He reacted to it in a very cool manner.
Sepe- Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï
Sepecool \kul\
- (Mozën tî Angelëe) nzönî
- On a un prof super cool, genre métissé, cheveux hirsutes, fringues cooles et classes. — ( )
- c'est un nom d'utilisateur instagram cool. — ( )
- (Mozën tî Angelëe) pendere
- Bon, je descends voir ma pote Émilie au magasin ; elle au moins, elle est sympa ; elle ne me dit pas que tout ce qui est cool est interdit ! — (Stéphane Prandini, Le Feu sous la glace , Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2013, ISBN 9782304041781)