Sepesex \ˈsɛks\
- sêyêterê; gbâ tî âpopö sô akângbi pöpö tî kôlï na wâlï
- Still there are some loop-holes out of which a man may creep, and dare to think and act for himself; but for a woman it is an herculean task, because she has difficulties peculiar to her sex to overcome, which require almost super-human powers. — (Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman , 1792)
- (Sêndâ-saterê) këngë, këngë na dondö
- The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, sex, and other factors.
- tënë tî kubû
- We marry in fear and trembling, sex for a home is the woman's traffic, and the man comes to his heart's desire when his heart's desire is dead. — (H. G. Wells, Love and Mr. Lewisham , London: Harper, lêmbëtï 144)
- (The believers ... those ... ) who abstain from sex. — (translation by Abdullah Yusuf Al, Qur'an , 23:5, 1934)
Sepe- penis, vagina (1)
- sexual intercourse (3)
Sepeto sex \ˈsɛks\
- fa mbîrîmbîrî këngë tî mbênî zo wala mbênî nyama
- If we sex the cattle, which is the only way to get at their value, we shall have... 400 cows, 200 yearling heifers. — (Spirit of the Times , 19 Nyenye 1878)
- (Mbumbuse) → bâa have sex
- Our baby is eighteen months old now, and cries when we sex. — (Kenneth Burke, letter to Malcolm Cowley , 20 Kükürü 1921)
Sepe- FREE Sango Vocabulary , Word R Us → dîko mbëtï