Angelë Sepe

Pasûndâ Sepe

cross \ˈkɹɑs\ wala \ˈkɹɒs\

  1. këkë tî kroa
  2. kroa

Palî Sepe

cross \ˈkɹɑs\ wala \ˈkɹɒs\

  1. fâ lêgë
    • To cross the street, the park, the river, the mountains.
    • The Seine crosses Paris.
    • The Seine crosses through Paris.

Âlïndïpa Sepe

  • Karan, Elke, Kêtê bakarî tî Sängö: Farânzi, Angelëe na Yângâ tî Zâmani, 1st ed. , 1995 → dîko mbëtï